Friday, September 03, 2004

Pat Buchanan slams Bush and the GOP !! (??!!)

Preface: I do NOT like Pat Buchanan's politics.

On Wednesday Morning (9/1) a full page ad was in the New York Times (page A11) for Buchanan's new book Where the Right Went Wrong.
(DOES anyone have a link to the image of this advertisement? The quotes are harsh!)

-in it he apparently SLAMS Bush and the NeoCons up and down
-claims what we all know, that the NeoCon fiscal policies are reckless and NOT conservative.
-Today's GOP is in it for pure power and nothing else.
-our economy has been gutted

This is Pat Buchanan?!? He's no leftie by any means but: What does this mean for die-hard classic Republicans?

On Iraq: We invaded a country that did not threaten us, did not attack us, and did not want war with us, to disarm it of weapons we have since discovered it did not have. We may have ignited a war of civilizations it was in our vital interests to avoid. Never has America been more resented and reviled in an Islamic world of a billion people

On George W. Bush: George W. Bush has compiled a fiscal record of startling recklessness.

On today's GOP: The Republican party may be summarized thus: To hell with principle; what matters is power, and that we have it, and that they do not.

On Conservatism: The spirit of true conservatism appears to be dead.

Will this send a shiver down the Republicans' spine or do they think he's a kook?

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