Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Is being hung over at the airport red-flaggable?

Air passenger codes could block thousands from flights - Sep. 9, 2003

Hmmm.... I know my luck and I'll be coded yellow and miss my connections. In theory this makes sense, aside from a variety of constitutional issues. But who decides what the Transportation Safety Administraton (TSA) should call a "red-flagged" passenger. Is it just people carrying machine guns or also guys who have ever hired a prostitute? How about people who mooned the dean in college or peed on the sidewalk? Not that I have necessarily done these things.

I mean, I obviously would rather not sit next to an "axe-murderer" but the whole screening concept does make me suspicious. And uncomfortable. Guess we should all be aware of what is coming down the road.

As usual, who makes the decisions and who watches over them.
Nothing new there, I guess.

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