Tuesday, August 31, 2004

MSNBC gives no choice - Vote GOP!


In your online poll this morning you give two options:
from MSNBC.com

Did Rudy Giuliani's speech reassure you or move you to support the Bush-Cheney ticket?

Move you to support

Vote to see results

Remember the old-Soviet journal Pravda? Sounds similar

Are you a Fox affiliate?

Can Air America have a similar poll?
Is MSNBC a supporter or a mouthpiece of the GOP? 1) Supporter 2) Mouthpiece

Is MSNBC just un-American or a Communist Propaganda Machine? 1) Un-American 2) Communist
Can your organization explain its betrayal of American values?

-Sent to MSNBC.COM

[UPDATE 1:52pm] Poll finally changed:
Did Rudy Giuliani's speech move you to support the Bush-Cheney ticket? * 8197 responses
Thank you for voting. Click here for some background, and send us an e-mail to share your thoughts. Plus, see past voting results.

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